"Steve Jobs: The Man, The Visionary, The Legend"

Entrepreneurial Edge
5 min readOct 18, 2023

Introduction: The Mysterious Genius

The book "Becoming Steve Jobs" by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli offers a distinctive and more intimate viewpoint on the life and work of Steve Jobs, one of the most recognizable people in the tech industry. The book explores his life's lesser-known facets, his development as a person and a leader, and the enormous influence he had on society at large in addition to the field of technology.

The Early Years, Chapter 1

The book opens with a look at Steve Jobs' early years and formative years. Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, two young parents who placed Jobs for adoption, gave birth to Jobs. Paul and Clara Jobs, a working-class couple who subsequently adopted him, fostered his intellectual curiosity. This early upbringing would be extremely influential in forming the future co-founder of Apple.

A College Dropout with a Purpose (Chapter 2)

While there were times during Steve Jobs' undergraduate career when he had no direction, he also made mentors and lifelong friends. His admission to Reed College broadened his horizons and exposed him to fresh perspectives and ideas that he would carry with him for the rest of his life. He also developed a strong interest in Eastern mysticism at this time, a curiosity that would later shape the way he approached design and innovation.

Apple's Origins and the Creation of the Macintosh are covered in Chapter 3.

Together with Steve Wozniak, Jobs co-founded Apple Inc. in 1976. Although the company's initial products were notable, the Macintosh's release in 1984 actually signaled a turning point in personal computing. The Macintosh was a showpiece for Jobs' sense of style in design and his commitment to making technology usable by everyone.

Chapter 4: Apple's Conflicts and the Rise of the Macintosh

After the Macintosh's success, Apple went through a difficult time. Conflicts with the board of directors and Jobs' eventual departure from the company in 1985 were caused by his aggressive personality and management style. Jobs' time away from Apple gave him the opportunity to explore other options and industries, but he continued to be involved in the technology sector through companies like Pixar and NeXT.

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The fifth chapter, "Lessons Learned,"

During his time away from Apple, Jobs picked up important knowledge about teamwork and leadership. He learned the value of surrounding oneself with talented people who shared his vision from his experiences at Pixar and NeXT. These insights would subsequently be crucial to his return to Apple and to the success of the business.

Return to Apple and the Development of the iMac (Chapter 6)

Apple was in terrible shape in 1997. The business was experiencing both internal and financial instability. At this turning point, Jobs returned to Apple, first in an advisory capacity and later as CEO. The iMac was one of his first significant projects after his return, which represented a turning point for the business. The design of the iMac, along with its creative marketing, was crucial to Apple's comeback.

The iTunes and iPod Revolution is covered in Chapter 7.

Apple continued to develop and reinvent the tech sector under Jobs' direction. The release of iTunes and the iPod revolutionized music consumption by making digital music accessible to all. The iPod became a household name thanks to the iTunes Store, which made it simple and convenient to buy music online.

The iPhone: A Game Changer (Chapter 8)

The launch of the iPhone in 2007 was a turning point for the tech sector. The iPhone revolutionized the smartphone market by fusing a phone, an iPod, and an internet communicator into one unit. The chapter goes in-depth on the creation, promotion, and global effect of the iPhone.

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The Challenge of Leading a Changing Apple (Chapter 9)

Jobs encountered difficulties as Apple expanded, both within and externally. The writers go over how Jobs handled the shifting dynamics of the digital sector, the difficulties brought by rivals like Google, and his leadership style in these moving times.

Steve Jobs, the Mentor (Chapter 10)

Jobs's job as a mentor was one of his lesser-known accomplishments. His mentoring of Apple employees with talent, including Jony Ive and Tim Cook, is highlighted in the book. The success of the corporation was greatly influenced by Jobs' ability to motivate and lead his workforce.

Chapter 11: The Fight Against Illness

As Jobs battled a rare kind of pancreatic cancer, his health issues became more obvious. The chapter examines his will to carry on working, how his sickness affected his family and coworkers, and the difficult therapeutic choices he had to make.

Chapter 12 is titled "The Final Act"

A comment on Jobs' final years concludes the book. Despite his health issues, he stayed connected to Apple and kept working on new initiatives, such as the Apple Watch. Up until his dying in 2011, he remained in his persistent quest of invention.

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Final Thoughts: A Complex Legacy

"Becoming Steve Jobs" offers a thorough portrait of the guy who founded the technological behemoth. The writers explore his private life, career development, and the impact he made on the technological industry. The book presents an image of a visionary leader who made a lasting impression on the world while acknowledging his shortcomings and trying times.

Steve Jobs' journey ultimately involved change and evolution. He transformed from a teenage college dropout to a tech visionary by consistently adapting to the shifting tech business scene.



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